
The Watch and Jewelry industry is teeming with CEOs and designers that are sometimes true rockstars impossible to reach. Paradoxically others are super flexible and pick up their phones to respond to an interview on What’sApp. In this Interview Category, you will be able to discover a series of watch or jewelry related interviews involving distinguished players of that industry.

In most interviews led by The Eye of Jewelry, we try to lead the questions to an open discussion in order to get to know the person we have in front of us. It could be an eminent CEO, a celebrity, a brand ambassador, a famous designer or a simple watchmaker all of our interviews involve human beings that have a perception on life we’d like to know about and share to our readers.

Our goal is to find out what interesting fact they can tell us about; have them share an anecdote; figure out if they are TV series junkies or avid book readers. We want to find out how they became whom they are, what took them here, what is the thing they made differently, what are the mistakes they made and what piece of advice they’d recommend. The trick is to ask questions at the right time and not the ones that have been asked a million times before you.

The interviews we foresee must be a dialogue between two people willing to share things about a mutual passion whether it is in the watch or jewelry industry. Interviews happen to be a dangerous exercise requiring some technique, a degree of experience, a good preparation but most importantly a quick wit and a capacity for forthright repartee in addition to managing stress level and shyness. Find out below with who did The Eye of Jewelry was able to sit down with for a talk.